Education Lease Solutions
Why a Technology Program?
Equipment Standardization
All participants have equal access to the same technology
Promotes collaborative learning
Customization to address each user's unique needs
Facilitates the classroom pedagogical process
Supports distance learning
Eliminates “Down Time”
Include a “loaner pool”
Structured warranty repair
Accidental damage protection – when available from manufacturer
Lead the Way in Academia
Aspen’s custom Technology Lease Programs allow you to be at the forefront of technology in academia. Our programs enable students and faculty to be equipped with standardized technology that can be economically supported and refreshed facilitating the use of technology in and beyond the classroom.
Budget Friendly - Eliminate Unplanned Costs
Get equipment when needed - delay payment until next budget cycle
No budget $ left? Receive equipment & delay payment until next budget cycle
Spread cost over multiple budget years - equip more users
No overlapping lease payments - use transitional period to refresh & replace
Save operational resources - retain a portion - return a portion
Asset Management - Web Based
Customizable asset tracking - user, department, unique ID, purpose, program, etc.
Generate revenue - self maintain when available
Ensure data security - DOD drive wiping
Critical Components of a Technology Program
School Purchased Program
School Leased Program
Maintain equipment standards
Budgeted and planned refresh cycle
Technology Staff focus – Improve usage for users
End of Life costs included in lease program.
Pay as you use equipment – multiple budget years
Equipment of various ages and capabilities
No vehicle to ensure equipment is kept current
Technology Staff focus – break/fix problems
End of life disposal costs paid by school
Equipment paid for upfront – 1 budget year